7 Benefits of Reading Aloud to Your Child


Imagine being able to explore different worlds and go on exciting adventures from the comfort of your home. We can do that at any time just by reading a book.

Reading to your child is full of incredible benefits. Here are 7 of them!



Just like talking to your baby while they’re in the womb strengthens your bond with them, the same thing happens when you read to your unborn baby and keep reading to them after they’re born.

Designating a special reading time each day creates a special bonding moment for you and your kid. Reading to your child creates a feeling of closeness that they will look back on with fond memories when they’re older.



The best way to encourage children to love reading is to read to them every day. By listening to you actively engaged in a story, kids will feel excited about books and will want to choose the books they want you to read. You can have your child shout of the parts of the book that they know or answer questions about what just happened in a story. It creates excitement around reading.



When you read to your child, they are exercising the parts of their brain that form meaning and process words. It also helps them build strong pathways in their brain which improve their literacy, language-building, memory, and empathy.



Young children naturally develop their speaking and communication skills by actively listening to the people around them. When you read to your child, you’re teaching them new words, improving their listening skills, teaching them sentence structures and grammar, and how to use intonation.



Bedtime is the perfect time to read to your child because it will help them relax and make it easier for them to sleep. During the day, reading to your child gives them some chill time and is a nice way for kids to cool down after running around and letting out some energy.



Too much screen time can negatively affect your child’s attention span, mood, and social skills. Reading to your child is the perfect screen-free time because it gets your child’s brain active and their imagination sparking. Plus, it’s fun for them!

It’s a healthy and engaging way for kids to spend their time instead of passively looking at a screen for hours.



A child’s world expands greatly when they are being read to. They can learn about different cultures, meet new people, discover places on the other side of the world, and put themselves in someone else’s shoes, even if that person is very different from them.


Even when a child knows how to read, they still benefit from having you read to them. There is something special about that connection between a parent and their child when the parent is reading a story and making it come alive.


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